

At regular intervals, I give lectures and seminars (MA level) on the following topics, in either German or English: European integration; politicisation; crisis management and crisis-induced transformation in selecte EU countries; sustainable transition and sustainability governance; (de-)peripherisation in Europe; discursive political studies and discourse analysis. In these classes, we consider approaches of political science, sociology, discourse studies, or political economy. She uses innovative student-centred methods of learning and teaching, including Challange-Based Learning, research-based peer learning and simulation games.

For past and upcoming classes go to the Classes archive »

Office hours and advice

Please use personal meetings with the lecturer during office hours to discuss your questions related to a class, your term paper or MA dissertation. I will not give advice via email, but feel free to send on your written material two days in advance of the meeting. During term times, the regular office hour is on Tuesdays, 2-3:30 pm. They can be held face-to-face in room LH 110, per phone or Zoom. Please get in contact per email for a time slot. During term breaks, please agree an appointment via email.


Supervision of MA dissertations

I am happy to supervise MA dissertations in German or English in the following fields of study: European integration, international relations, political economy, transnational communication and discourse studies.

If you are interested in working with me as a first supervisor, please make sure that, while studying at Viadrina, you attend one of my classes and write a term paper afterwards. I also advise you to attend the research colloquium of the professor whom you select as your co-supervisor. Moreover, I reccomend you to attend lunch lessons and office hourse of the Writing Center of the university where you can settle questions regarding, for instance, research design, research questions, or proper referenceing of academic literature. I suggest we have a first meeting to exchange initial ideas on your possible topic, supervision arrangements and a rough time schedule. If you are satisfied with my supervision, I will ask you to submit a research proposal. We will discuss it in at least one follow-up meeting. Once the topic and approach are settled, I expect you to work independently, but I will be available in case you encounter difficulties.

For guidelines and hints regarding the writing of term papers and MA dissertations please visit Prof Timm Beichelt’s homepage.