Posts tagged ‘[:de]Peripherie[:en]Periphery[:]’

Research network ‘Peripheralities’

The research network ‘Peripheralities’ that has grown out of the Marie-Curie project ‘Reconfigurations’ brings together researchers that investigate peripheries, peripherisation and peripheral subjectivities in a transdisciplinary fashion. Participants combine conceptual and analytical perspectives on peripheries from sociology, human geography, discourse studies, postcolonial studies, political economy and economic history.

Peripheriality: authors’ workshop

The past decades have brought an increase in spatially connoted disparities and inequalities both within and between European societies, intertwined with changes within the European Union (EU) and the global constellation. The workshop ‘Peripheriality: constructing socio-spatial hierarchies within and beyond Europe’ invites contributions that focus on the construction of centrality and peripheriality or of central and peripheral Selves in discourses and (material) practices.