Panel: Peripheralization and Peripheral Selves in Liminal Zones of the 21st Century

The panel ‘Peripheralization and Peripheral Selves in Liminal Zones of the 21st Century’ will be hosted by Dr Amelie Kutter and Dr Gautam Chakrabarti at the conference ‘Contesting 21st Century B/Orders’ at the Viadrina Centre of B/Orders in Motion.


  • Amelie Kutter (EUV), Gautam Chakrabarti (EUV): Peripherialization and liminality
  • Yulia Egorova (Durham Univ.): Defining Difference: Peripherilzation and the Liminal Self in Jewish-Muslim Solidarity Networks in the UK
  • Christian Langer (Beijing Univ.): From Periphery to Centre? Chinese Obelisks as Embodiment of Fuzzy Boundaries
  • Gerardo Costabile Nicoletta (Charles University Prague): More-Than-Peripheral. Fractal Colonialities in Regimes of Visibility in Southern Italy


  • Carolin Leutloff-Grandits (EUV)