Workshop at Erlangen University, with a talk by Amelie Kutter: Texts and Images of Austerity. A Multimodal Multimedia Analysis
Austerity is a complex phenomenon with far reaching consequences for economic wellbeing, social justice and political systems. It is not without alternative, but connected to different political projects that can only be understood by looking at both sedimented economic and political mechanisms as well as the meaning giving efforts of human actors. As part of a broader research project on austerity, the workshop will focus on discursive constructions of austerity in the British media. The workshop will focus on discursive constructions of austerity in the British media and explores a large corpus of newspaper articles in collaborative manner. The British case is of particular importance. In the United Kingdom we can see clearly the far-reaching impact of the “age of austerity”, as has been witnessed by “Brexit”. The workshop is being organised by Dr Tim Griebel and Prof. Dr. Stefan Evert at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. For more information see the workshop webpage.